DREAM: Digitale læreprocesser og innovation
Projektet handler om digitale medier på museer og er finansieret af Det strategiske forskningsråd og involverer forskere ved Syddansk Universitet og Roskilde Universitet samt udstillingsudviklere og formidlere ved danske museer og science centre.
Video-præsentation om projektet:
Projektets hjemmeside: www.dream.dk
Udvalgte publikationer:
- Olesen, A. R., Holdgaard, N., & Laursen, D. (2020). Challenges of practicing digital imaginaires in collaborative museum design. CoDesign, 16(3), 189-201. https://doi.org/10.1080/15710882.2018.1539109
- (2018) Challenges of practicing digital imaginaires in collaborative museum design, I: CoDesign. International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, DOI: 10.1080/15710882.2018.1539109. With Olesen, A. R. & Holdgaard, N.
- (2017). ‘I ♥ Skagens Museum’: Patterns of Interaction in the Institutional Facebook Communication of Museums. I: Museum & Society, Vol. 15, Nr. 2, 2017, s. 171-192. With Mortensen, C. H., Olesen, A. R., & Schrøder, K. C. Full text.
- (2016): The museum foyer as a transformative space of communication, The Journal Nordic Museology 1, p. 69-88. With E. Kristiansen og K. Drotner. Full text.
- (2015). The Museum Foyer as a Transformative Space. WithKristiansen, E., & Drotner, K.
- (2014). Multi-method and innovative approaches to researching the learning and social practices of young digital users. International Journal of Learning and Media, 4(2), 33-45. With Vittadini, N., Carlo, S., Gilje, Ø., Murru, M. F., & Schrøder, K. C
- (2013). Balancing accessibility and familiarity: Offering digital media loans at the museum front desk. Museum Management and Curatorship, 28(5), 508-526.
- (2013). Co-participation among school children around a computer-based exhibit. Social Studies of Science, 43(1)
- (2012). Adding to the Experience: Use of Smartphone Applications by Museum Visitors. I E. Kristiansen (red.), The Transformative Museum Proceedings. (s. 314-324) With Rung, M. H.
- (2012). Meeting the visitor: Distribution and dissemination of mobile guides at the museum front desk. Sharing is caring 2012, København, Danmark.
- (2011) (eds.) Digital technologies and museum experiences. MedieKultur. Journal of media and communication research no. 50. SMID – Sammenslutningen af medieforskere i Danmark. With Drotner, K., Graakjær, N. J., Horsbøl, A., & Grønning, A.
- (2011). Guided Expectations: A Case Study of a Sound Collage Audio Guide. Paper presented at Museums and the Web, Philadelphia, USA.