Den historiske udvikling af det danske internet
Formålet med dette projekt er at kortlægge den historiske udvikling af hele det danske web, baseret på det tilgængelige materiale i Netarkivet. Det forskningsmæssige hovedspørgsmål er: Hvordan så det danske web ud tidligere, og hvordan har det udviklet sig? Et delmål med projektet er at udvikle den nødvendige forskningsinfrastruktur til at foretage en sådan undersøgelse, dvs. værktøjer og procedurer til at håndtere korpus-skabelse, big data-analyser og samarbejde mellem arkiver og forskere. I et længere perspektiv er det projektets formål at være hjørnesten i et europæisk projekt, der skal kortlægge og sammenligne de forskellige nationale web-domæner i Europa, inden for rammerne af RESAW (Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Internet Materials), muligvis finansieret af Horizon 2020. Projektet bygger oven på erfaringerne fra forskningsinfrastrukturprojektet DIGHUMLAB/NetLab og er showcase for, hvordan det nationale kulturarvs-cluster etableret af DeIC og Statsbiblioteket kan benyttes i forbindelse med datamining af store digitale samlinger. Projektet er støttet af Kulturministeriet. Med Niels Brügger og Janne Nielsen, Aarhus Universitet.
Udvalgte publikationer:
- Brügger, N., Nielsen, J. & Laursen, D., (2020): Big data experiments with the archived Web: Methodological reflections on studying the development of a nation’s Web. I: First Monday 25 (3).
- Hockx-Yu, H., Laursen, D., Gomes, D. (2019): The curious case of archiving .eu. I: N. Brügger, & D. Laursen (red.), The historical web and Digital Humanities: The case of national web domains. New York/Abingdon: Routledge, p. 124-142
- Brügger, N., Laursen, D., & Nielsen, J. (2019). Establishing a corpus of the archived web: The case of the Danish web from 2005 to 2015. I: N. Brügger, & D. Laursen (eds.), The historical web and Digital Humanities: The case of national web domains New York/Abingdon: Routledge.
- Brügger, N., Nielsen, J. & Laursen, D. (2019): Digging into Big Web Archive Data: The Development of the Danish Web 2006- 2015. The web that was: archives, traces, reflections: The third biennial RESAW (Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Materials) conference – University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Brügger, N.; Laursen, D.; Geeraert, F.; Teszelszky, K.; Schafer, V.; Gomes, D.: Panel: Opportunities and challenges in collecting and studying national webs. IIPC General Assembly and Web Archiving Conference 2019 – Hotel Westin Zabreb, Zagreb, Croatia
- Brügger, N; Laursen, D. & Nielsen, J. (2019): Establishing a corpus of the archived web: The case of the Danish Web 2005-2015. IIPC General Assembly and Web Archiving Conference 2019 – Hotel Westin Zabreb, Zagreb, Croatia
- Brügger, N. & Laursen, D. (2019): A national Web Trend Index based on national web archives. IIPC General Assembly and Web Archiving Conference 2019 – Hotel Westin Zabreb, Zagreb, Croatia
- Laursen, D. (2019): National heritage domain crawls as basis for research. Collection Strategies and Usage Scenarios of Web Archives – 10 Years of Web Archiving, Austrian National Library, Wien, Austria

- (2019). The historical web and Digital Humanities: The case of national web domains. Routledge. 206 p. (Digital research in the arts and humanities). With N. Brügger.
- (2018): Historical studies of national web domains. I: N. Brügger, & I. Milligan (red.), The SAGE Handbook of Web History. London: SAGE Publications.. With N. Brügger
- (2017): Exploring the domain names of the Danish web. In The Web as History: Using Web Archives to Understand the Past and the Present. red. / Niels Brügger; Ralph Schroeder. UCL Press. With N. Brügger and J. Nielsen. Full text.
- (2017): Methodological reflections about establishing a corpus of the archived web: The case of the Danish web from 2005 to 2015. Paper presented at RESAW 2017 : RESAW (Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Materials) conference, London. With N. Brügger and J. Nielsen.
- (2016): Probing the Danish Web Domain 2005-2015, National Webs Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark. With J. Nielsen, U. Karstoft Have
- (2016): Mapping the past of a national web domain: The development of the Danish web 2005-2015, ECREA 6th European Communication Conference, Prague, Tjekkiet. With J. Nielsen, Niels Brügger
- (2016): A nation’s web over time: .dk registry – DK Archive – Internet Archive. IIPC Web Archiving Conference, Reykjavík, Island. With Brügger, N. and Nielsen, J.
- (2016). A Nation’s Web over Time: The Development of the Danish Web 2005-2015. Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries, Oslo, Norway.
- (2015). How to visualise one million web domains and their development? The history of the Danish web 2005-2015. Annotation and Visualization of Digital Data in the Humanities. Digital Arts Initiative, Aarhus, Denmark
- (2015). Panel: Histories of the Web through National Domain Names : Projects, results, and Historiographical Concerns. Temps et temporalités du web, Paris, Frankrig. With Ben-David, A., Brügger, N., Schafer, V., Winters, J., & Webster, P.
- (2015). Probing a Nation’s Web Domain: the Development of the Danish Web 2005-2015. Web Archiving: Preserving the History of Data-Driven Society, Tallinn, Estland. With Brügger, N.
- (2015). Studying a nation’s websphere over time: analytical and methodological considerations. IIPC Conference: Innovation, connection and co-operation in web data, San Francisco, USA. With Brügger, N. & Nielsen, J.